From the course: Financing Your Business

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- Finally, grants. Grants are the dream money for a small business because it's money that doesn't have to be repaid. When you get a grant, you don't have to pay anything back to the source. There are a variety of grant programs all over the country. Searching for a grant can be time consuming, and you have to be careful because many small business owners think that a grant is the answer to their financing challenges. I get questions every week about where can I find a grant for my veteran-owned business, or for my woman-owned business? You really need to try to understand what the agency or company offering the grant wants to achieve. For local grants, they may be trying to make sure that they create jobs in the community. In that case, your grant proposal will have to clearly tie to creating jobs in the community. I interviewed a small business owner who obtained grant funding for his luxury handbag business…
