From the course: Forbes 400 Private Equity Leader Steve Klinsky (Thirty Minute Mentors)

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Breaking into and succeeding in private equity

Breaking into and succeeding in private equity

- What were the skills that you developed earlier on in your career that have been most important to your success today? And what are the skills that you think anyone listening to this conversation should think about developing whatever stage they're in in their careers? - Yeah, well what's great about private equity and the reason I enjoy it so much is, you don't just own one company and learn one industry. I saw a cartoon years ago where a guy says, I'm 70 years old and I've learned a lot in my life, but unfortunately, it's all about aluminum. I mean, you could spend 50 years being an expert at aluminum smelting. Private equity's kind of different. We now manage over 30 billion in assets. We've bought maybe 60 companies since we started the firm. We own over 20 of them today. Everything from life sciences to supply chain software, to we manage Yankee Stadium, to all sorts of things. So what's great about private equity…
