From the course: Forbes 400 Private Equity Leader Steve Klinsky (Thirty Minute Mentors)

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Deciding to go out on your own

Deciding to go out on your own

- [Interviewer] What went into your decision to go out on your own and to leave such a lucrative career? And to people listening to this conversation, what advice do you have on when to leave or whether to leave, how to do it? - [Interviewee] Well, I was at Goldman Sachs for three or four years, with Forest and Little for 15 or 16. So I was in Barbarians At The Gate and all those type of things. And it was very glamorous and a lot of fun. A very quirky shop. Ted was a little bit like Donald Trump or something, larger than life, very glamorous. So both great to work for in some aspects, but not necessarily where I wanted to spend the last 20, 30 years of my career. So I got to the point where I was in my early 40s and that's kind of a natural time to say are you going to do it on your own or not? Just given the culture of Forest and Little, I went off on my own. And fortunately, knock wood, things have have worked out…
