From the course: Forbes 400 Private Equity Leader Steve Klinsky (Thirty Minute Mentors)

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Management and leadership

Management and leadership

- [Host] One of the things you mentioned when you cited the example of the company that you took over that was on the verge of potentially going out of business that's now in the fortune 500, was bringing in new management. - [Steve] Yeah. - [Host] I wanted to know if you could go into depth on that topic, if not on that particular company in general, what you look for when you're bringing in new management and from your perspective what makes a great manager and a great management team? - [Steve] Yeah, so, I mean our first choice is always to have a great management at the company we're buying and just team up with them, that's our preference. Sometimes we're buying a business where the guy who's selling to us is retiring and that's why he's selling, he's saying, look find my successor and you run it. This particular division was a discontinued operation of a big public company where they hadn't really put top management…
