From the course: Forbes 400 Private Equity Leader Steve Klinsky (Thirty Minute Mentors)

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Risk management

Risk management

- [Interviewer] Risk management. Really important topic in your industry, really important topic in your business, really important topic in just about every business. And I wanted to get your thoughts on how you manage risk and your best advice for listeners on the topic of risk management. - [Steve] Yeah, I mean I would say, if you asked around about New Mountain in my own industry, risk management would come up very high. Again, we've never had a bankruptcy and never missed an interest payment in the history of our private equity arm, which is really pretty unusual in private equity 'cause by definition, you're buying lots of companies, you're using debt, and it's easy to have something go wrong even if you're careful. We start, I was always trained, if you don't lose money, the only question is how much money you're going to make. So I think returns could be higher if you don't lose money along the way. And just…
