From the course: Forbes 400 Private Equity Leader Steve Klinsky (Thirty Minute Mentors)

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Turn lemons into lemonade

Turn lemons into lemonade

- [Interviewer] Steve you've personally achieved so much success in your life. Your company has achieved such an incredible track record of success, but I wanted to ask you about a failure that might stand out to you and how you were able to navigate through it and what advice you have for our listener on how to manage failure? - [Steve] Yeah, well look, let me say, I mean we've had a very good track record overall. You always have. You always get buffeted and have hard times. So like I would say the worst situation my own firm faced is at the beginning. Now listen to that, 10 or 12 years ago as we were raising a big new fund. The very first company we bought and it turned out that their financial reporting, had all sorts of inaccuracies and I'm not going to blame, assign blame anyone but it was not what had been presented to us, and we were in a very deep poll on that company. Now you could say, everyone makes…
