From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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Choose the right mix of goals and KPIs

Choose the right mix of goals and KPIs

From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

Choose the right mix of goals and KPIs

- Without any clearly agreed goals, your team would struggle to know what they're needing to focus on and achieve. That would be like having a fleet of ships that are aimlessly sailing across an ocean without any idea of which ports they're heading for. Without clear goals your staff might feel they're wasting their time and energy and become frustrated and disillusioned with their work and even with you as their boss. You can prevent this from happening very easily by setting clear directions and goals for each member of your team. To do this well, you need to understand four key things. Recognize that each of your staff might require different goals with the ideal form of any goal depending on the unique context and needs of each of their job roles, tasks and challenges. Also, always try to get buy-in and agreements on goals. No matter whether your goals are referred to as key performance indicators, KPIs, targets, or…
