From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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Conducting a needs analysis and creating a development plan

Conducting a needs analysis and creating a development plan

From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

Conducting a needs analysis and creating a development plan

- Have you ever been forced to attend a training that you found boring and a waste of time? Sadly, this is quite common. Too many leaders supported by their HR colleagues are lazy and give too little thought to what learning and development each of their staff really need to be successful and instead offer them the same generic, and often dull trainings, filled with endless PowerPoint slides. Sadly, most training is ineffective and often demotivating, and the staff never grow and develop well. To successfully create and grow a high performing team you must carry out a training needs analysis at least once per year. Also called a skills needs analysis, this involves assessing any key gaps in your team member's knowledge, skills, and attitude, which are collectively known as competencies. You then hone in on any gaps that might be holding them back from succeeding in their work and careers. By doing this, you'll be able…
