From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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Correcting performance issues

Correcting performance issues

- When individuals in your team are struggling, be ready to invest the time and effort in encouraging them to turn around their work performance as well as their attitude and mindset. It isn't easy knowing how to help somebody change, and I used to really struggle to know which tools and methods to use with different members of my teams who were underperforming. Fortunately, over time, I've learned that most of your team's performance issues can be solved using one or more of the following six methods. Number one, give the person as much feedback, information, and communication as possible to help them. Number two, provide them all the resources they need, including any missing tools and equipment. Number three, ensure all needed monetary and non-monetary incentives exist and are aligned with the required performance. Number four, enable the person to acquire and confidently use all required knowledge, experience, and…
