From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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Creating and maintaining a high-performance culture

Creating and maintaining a high-performance culture

From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

Creating and maintaining a high-performance culture

- Developing and maintaining high levels of performance is not easy. And for many years, I struggled with teams that I managed. It was only after a few years of trial and error and seeking the advice of some great bosses and mentors that I realized there are five secrets to successfully creating and maintaining the ideal work environment. By understanding and applying these five secrets, you will have created a sustainable working environment that encourages, acknowledges, and rewards high performance. Secret number one. Outstanding leadership is key to the team's success. Be ready to vary your own style as needed and to use your skills differently each day to suit the issues and people you are facing in that moment. As an example, learn to decide when you should join your team by helping them with their daily operational challenges, and when you do the opposite, by stepping back to give them space and leaving you time to…
