From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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Creating SMART goals

Creating SMART goals

- Elon Musk has set himself and his team a very ambitious dream of having man missions to Mars, and they know that the only way to achieve such an audacious goal like this is to break it down into some very clear and specific targets and goals. In this particular example these include having first, a cargo mission to Mars in 2022, and a second mission involving both cargo and crew in 2024. So no matter if your team's goals are as enormous as visiting other planets or as small and focused on the daily work tasks, your team members will more easily achieve them if you help them avoid having unclear and vague goals, and instead ensure they're as well crafted as possible. You can do this by turning any of your goals into SMART goals by ensuring they are specific. Making each goal as specific as possible makes them more easily understood, accepted, and achieved. Measurable. Each goal must be measurable in terms of how well your…
