From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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Helping high performers remain focused and motivated

Helping high performers remain focused and motivated

From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

Helping high performers remain focused and motivated

- Keeping your top performers engaged, motivated, and able to sustain their high performance is key to the success of your business and organization. By applying some very important leadership principles, you can ensure that the high performers in your team will excel and thrive. Principle number one, be a leader your high performers can trust and want to work with. Achieve this by ensuring that you meet their expectations. And when you cannot meet them, have honest and open discussions about why not. It is easier if you always walk your talk and make sure you do what you promise. Principle number two, reward your high performers fairly so that they feel it is worth their time to put in the necessary effort to exceed expectations and goals set for them. Principle number three, support your team members' career and life plans by taking the time to understand and helping them achieve their dreams, ambitions, and career…
