From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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How to conduct performance appraisals

How to conduct performance appraisals

- Are you someone who finds annual performance appraisals to be a chore, or something that is really valuable and helpful? Either way, you cannot get away from them as they form a key part of nearly every company's performance management process. Sadly, too many leaders fail to invest the optimal time and effort, instead treating staff appraisals as simply a box-ticking exercise. But, one of your most important roles is to objectively and fairly communicate and align with your staff regarding their performance and potential. And to do this well, you must become an expert in planning for and leading performance appraisal discussions. They center around formal meetings that enable you with each of your staff to: review and rate recent performance and the achievement of any goals; discuss career aspirations, motivational issues, and any learning and development needs; plan the following years' workloads and set and…
