From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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Optimizing feedback

Optimizing feedback

- Hearing the truth from someone you work with can really hurt and upset. But the alternative of never having anyone give you or your team feedback simply isn't an option. 'Cause without any feedback, you and your staff will never become a high performing team. Since you'll be operating in a silent vacuum of zero feedback and never learning how you can all improve. Quite simply, the path to success for both you and your staff is to learn to give feedback well and to receive it in a positive and open manner. In my early years as a manager, I never took giving and receiving feedback seriously enough and I'm sure that my own career as well as the performance of my various teams suffered as a result. It was only after having had a great boss, who taught me the value of feedback, that I became a convert to the incredible power of both giving to and receiving feedback from my colleagues. Fortunately, it's very easy to create…
