From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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Using coaching as a development tool

Using coaching as a development tool

- I'm sure you're keen to help your team learn and develop but it's time to stop always giving them your advice, opinions, answers, whenever they seek your help. Although this might seem normal and natural to do, your team members risk becoming dependent on you and never developing their own thinking, initiative and self-confidence. The solution is to help your team by coaching them. Not like a sports coach who shouts instructions to their players, but instead as someone who simply asks lots of questions, questions that help them explore and arrive at their own answers to their issues, problems and challenges. I do this kind of coaching all the time and when you start doing it, you'll find that the benefits are enormous. Your team will grow and learn to think for themselves and not feel you are simply telling them what to do every time they have a problem. Start having such coaching conversations with the help of the GROW…
