From the course: Full-Stack Deep Learning with Python

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Preparing data for image classification using CNN

Preparing data for image classification using CNN - Python Tutorial

From the course: Full-Stack Deep Learning with Python

Preparing data for image classification using CNN

- [Instructor] Here I am on a brand new colab notebook, EMNIST classification using convolutional neural networks. Now, a new notebook implies a new colab runtime, which means we need to restart mlflow on this local machine. You can see from the message at the bottom that I've set up this runtime to run on a GPU. That's what we'll use to train our image classification convolutional neural network on the EMNIST data. Now, we need to install the libraries once again because we are on a new runtime. Torch, matplotlib, numpy, and pandas, we need all of these. We also need pytorch lightning because we'll be setting up our model using pytorch lightning, and we also need mlflow. Once again, this will get us mlflow 2.9.1, the latest version at the time of this recording. In order to ensure there are no breaking changes that mess up your demo, you might want to specifically install mlflow 2.9.1 yourself. And we also need pyngrok so…
