From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Introduction to the step-by-step section

Introduction to the step-by-step section - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Introduction to the step-by-step section

- Looking at individual videos is great, but unless you actually do a project, you won't have a full experience of what it's like to design something. That's why this video section exists. This is one of two step-by-step methodologies that get to the same end, but get there in different ways. We're going to be designing a headphone hanger that you might mount on your wall to hang your headphones. This is a nice example because many of us might already have headphones that are lying around and you can substitute in the headphones you have for the ones that I'm using to create your own design. Because this section uses photographs as the basis for creating the 3D models, if you have a pair of headphones that you would like to use, I invite you to go find them and I'll show you the specific angles for the photographs you can take of your headphones if you want to create something that matches what you have, otherwise you can follow along with the images that I have provided for my…
