From the course: Fusion 360: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Create components from bodies

Create components from bodies

- [Instructor] Hi, everyone, and welcome to another "Fusion 360: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques." We have here a sketch, which was imported from a DXF file. In addition, from this sketch, we have profiles. And if we have a profile, we can perform an extrusion, so I'm going to hit E for extrude, and select this profile, this profile and this profile. I'm going to pull this arrow down, giving this a thickness. Let me key in negative five, and add this circular profile, as well, holding control and a left click. Operation New Body and hit okay. Notice on our design, we now have a Bodies folder containing one body. Let me turn on our sketch once more, hit E for extrude, and before we select profiles, I'm going to turn off the visibility of this body. Next, selecting this profiles. Four profiles selected. I'm going to pull this arrow up, giving this a thickness of five. Once more, operation New Body,…
