From the course: Fusion 360: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Trimming surfaces

Trimming surfaces

- [Instructor] Hi everyone. And welcome to another Fusion 360 tips, tricks and techniques. I have here a solid body, which initially came out from Surface Bodies. And today, we are going to discover how to trim out surfaces. Let me head over to the initial stages of this model, and once more, our intent is to trim out the excess surfaces. To do that, let's change our tools and head over to surface tab. Next, I'm going to head over to modify, add a select trim. And when trimming out surfaces, we first need to define the trimming tool, and for this demonstration, my intent here is to trim out the surface. I will be referencing, or using, the surface as our trimming tool. So I'm going to select this surface. Let me show you our surface bodies. Let's expand this. Next, notice as I hover over this target surface, it highlights. So I'm going to left-click to select this and notice it turns into color red,…
