From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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Evolution of computer vision

Evolution of computer vision

From the course: Giving Computers Vision

Evolution of computer vision

- [Speaker 1] No, but that moment did come. That moment came in computer vision in the year 2012. - [Speaker 2] Right, okay so what happened in 2012? - [Speaker 1] So actually it starts in 2010. So there is this idea. We had these data sets which were let's say an object detection, an object recognition data set would have ten categories. Oh you have this- - [Speaker 2] Animal not animal. - [Speaker 1] Yeah. - [Speaker 2] Something like that. - [Speaker 1] Yeah, 10 of those, right, categories And that would be a big data set. In fact, Caltech101 had 101 categories and that was considered- - [Speaker 2] Groundbreaking, right? - [Speaker 1] Yeah. That was- - [Speaker 2] That's best in class. - [Speaker 1] Right. And so, but there's this researcher, her name is Phin Peng Lee. She decided that she was going to spend, create a very massive dataset, where, and people were always saying that, oh, if we had…
