From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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How big are algorithms?

How big are algorithms?

- If I had a, your bike detection. - Yeah. - How big is that model in terms of, you know, - If you do it naively, it can be hundreds of megabytes. - Okay. Now, small, a small algorithm would be, - Yeah. - Or a small model would be hundreds of megabytes. - Hundreds of megabytes if you just do pretty naively right? You don't, if you are very smart about it, you can bring it less than 10 megabytes. - Oh. Okay. Wow, so that's a huge difference. - Yeah. - Cause I mean, but storage nowadays is, is, I mean, you can have, - No, it's the memory, It's the memory of on, It's the fast memory on the device, right? - Oh, okay. - So you have to load it into that memory. And it's not just one algorithm that you're doing, right? - Cause it's deep learning, it's multiples, right? - You could be doing multiple things on the same device, - Uh-huh - Right? If one, let's say this has a, you know, a hundred megabytes of memory or let's…
