From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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How to keep bias out of AI

How to keep bias out of AI

- [Speaker 1] So, how do you think about say, ethics or bias in machine learning or AI as a whole? - [Speaker 2] So first of all I need to clarify that I'm not an expert in AI ethics. - [Speaker 1] I just want your opinion on it - [Speaker 2] Yes. - [Speaker 1] You know, as someone that knows this far better than I do. I'm not asking you to be the authority on it, but I know, you know just what are your thoughts on it as someone that knows it better? - [Interviewee] So there is a certain kind of algorithmic bias, which is completely data dependent, right? - [Speaker 1] Mhm. - [Speaker 2] For example, when they collected face detection datasets, those data sets were predominantly white people, right? Which in turn meant that it didn't do very well on face detection, face recognition, et cetera. It did not do well on people with color, right? In fact we collected a lot of, we had to retrain a lot of our faced, even simple…
