From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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Links for the instructor

Links for the instructor

- Oh man, well hey Satya, thank you so much for coming, I really appreciate this time. - Thank you. - Where can people find you? We've talked about your blog and stuff, but where do they go to find your information and sign up and all that? - Well, I write a blog, and I'm also the CEO of, which manages the open CV library. - Okay. - Yeah, you can reach me at Twitter, @opencv and our blog is and you can send me an email also, if you need [email protected]. I'll send you that, - Sure. - So that you should put it in. - Well, thanks for watching everyone, we'll have links to all this down in the show notes and again, Satya thanks for coming, always great to chat with you. - Thank you so much.
