From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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The deep learning community

The deep learning community

- I want to know, okay so, in 2013, every model for the Image Net Competition was deep learning. - Yes. - This was the birth of deep learning. - It was a revolution you know it was- - Right, and Geoffrey Hinton? - So, there were three. - Yeah, okay. - Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio. They all won the Turing Prize. - Really? Yes, that's fantastic. So, they were the- - Pioneers. - The forefathers, well, maybe that's wrong the, yeah, the founders of deep learning, really. - They're called, they call themselves the Deep Learning Mafia. (laughter) - How is that? Okay, fine. Hey, if you've done that, you know, you're allowed to call yourself whatever you want, fine. - Yes, but the thing is that you would be surprised. I would skip neural network papers in 2015 as a grad student, I would look at neural network, not interested. I would skip those papers. - Because it's not deep learning at this…
