From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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What are the areas of computer vision?

What are the areas of computer vision?

From the course: Giving Computers Vision

What are the areas of computer vision?

- [Interviewer] So what other areas are there, besides those four we laid out? Are there other kind of general broad categories in computer vision that people should learn? Or, I mean it sounds like those three there are the big ones. - [Interviewee] Those three are computer vision related to, so computer vision and machine learning have this overlap, right, that a lot of computer vision problems can be solved using machine learning, but there are many other computer vision problems that may not require machine learning at all. For example, if you want to build panoramas, you could just take pictures and stitch the images together, that's still computer vision, but it is not, but it doesn't, it's using the geometry of the scene, right, to stitch the images together, it's not using machine learning. It doesn't need to know, it's not trained- - [Interviewer] It can just analyze what the image has and connect the dots…
