From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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What are the different roles in machine learning?

What are the different roles in machine learning?

From the course: Giving Computers Vision

What are the different roles in machine learning?

- [Interviewer] I know in the data side we have things called like an analytics engineer versus a platform engineer, which is like very similar. So you're saying, so what are the different roles here, in let's say a Google Photos team or something like a company that makes a product that is heavy on computer vision. - [Interviewee] One of the rules would be, you know, all the data curation that would be handled by a different team, right? And data curation cleaning up the data, et cetera. And then there is a team that actually works on training the model, right? These people would try out different architectures, they would run several experiments to train a model. And finally, these people, these are mostly researchers. If they are working on something cutting edge, then these are very researchy people. - [Interviewer] So they really understand the theory, what's going on behind the scenes, where they may even, would they…
