From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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What is computer vision?

What is computer vision?

- [Interviewee] He says that look, image processing is image in and image out. You have either made the image better, de-noised it, you may have compressed the image, but it is essentially image in and image out, right? There is no information that you are getting out of the image. But in case of computer vision, you get image in or video frames in, and information out, right? So that's the difference between computer vision and image processing. - [Interviewer] So, and computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence. It falls kind of under the umbrella of that, right? - [Interviewee] Yeah, so, I mean, when you think about artificial intelligence, it is this nebulous term people use and it just means that we are trying to make machines as smart as humans, right? Think like humans. So, that is artificial intelligence, but doesn't tell you how you accomplish that, right? And there are several sub-fields of…
