From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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What is OpenCV?

What is OpenCV?

- [Interviewee] And so at that time around 2000, there was this new library called OpenCV, that was released open source by Intel and I knew about this library, I had used the library- - [Interviewer] Open Computer Vision, right? - [Interviewee] Open Computer Vision library. Right. And the one thing that worked really well in that library was face detection, right? It was magical to see that you can take your webcam and just point around and it would detect, it would put a bounding box around a face. - [Interviewer] Right. This is the thing we see, you know, whenever you want to impress somebody, you just do this, it's like, what is happening? It did the face thing. Yeah. - [Interviewee] Yeah and this was real time, you know, this was happening at 30 frames per second, it was mind blowing at that time. Right? - [Interviewer] Right. It's still mind blowing, I'm telling you. - [Interviewee] Yeah. - [Interviewer] Like I…
