From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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What programming languages do you use in computer vision?

What programming languages do you use in computer vision?

From the course: Giving Computers Vision

What programming languages do you use in computer vision?

- Right now when I'm writing code, so if I'm getting into a computer vision, - Yeah. - Open CV is when I'm going to use. - Open CV is the first library. - Okay. - You need to learn. - And you say, library, what do you mean by library? What programming language am I in? What am I doing? - So the open CV library is written in C++, - C++. - But, but it has Python bindings, and - Okay. - More than 50% of the people actually use the Python version of Open CV - Okay. Got it. So, so, so if I know Python already, I'm in good shape? - You are good shape. - Okay. - Right. - Now, I need to learn the other, what do we say principles of it? - The principles of it and open CV library in the beginning, you know, it was the way it is designed. It, it was designed for researchers to be able to replicate, have a common framework. Right. So that you're not rewriting all the code from scratch. Right. That was the intent.…
