From the course: Giving Computers Vision

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Why GPUs are better for machine learning

Why GPUs are better for machine learning

From the course: Giving Computers Vision

Why GPUs are better for machine learning

- What is the difference, and why would I prefer a CPU versus a GPU? So what is the CPU versus GPU, just simple definition. And then why are GPUs so popular for machine learning stuff? - So GPUs, basically they can process pixels in parallel. - Okay. - Right, that's why they're used in gaming engines that you want to- - And video editing. - Yes. - This is why they're popular photo editing, video editing- - Right. - Dealing with images. - Yes, so when you want to process the same pixel in a certain way, and you want to apply the same processing to all the pixels, then they have parallel you know, they are massively parallel. - Okay. - All right. So that's why GPUs are important, but they are also very expensive. - Yeah. And a CPU doesn't work that way. It's serial, right? Like one by one. - Yeah, I mean, they could be multiple threads and you could do, but it's not that level of parallelization. -…
