From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

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Create an ad group and ad keywords

Create an ad group and ad keywords - Adwords Tutorial

From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

Create an ad group and ad keywords

- [Instructor] Once you have your campaign configured, it's time to focus on setting up your ad groups, and your ad groups are going to contain your keywords, ads, and even the bids that you'll be managing. Now, I'm here on the Keywords and ads section continuing through the campaign wizard, but I do want to take a moment to show you what happens if you left or if you leave this page at any point, so I'm simply going to choose the X icon in the upper left-hand corner, and you'll notice that Google is going to automatically save that campaign. Now, here, from the overview page, I can scroll down, and I can see that there's a card for a draft campaign, or from the left-hand side, I can select Campaigns, and then, from the campaign list, I can see the campaign that we were working on is labeled Draft, and there is a yellow icon to the left of it. I'll simply choose Finish, and this will take us back to the wizard. Now…
