From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

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Evaluate keyword search volume

Evaluate keyword search volume - Adwords Tutorial

From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

Evaluate keyword search volume

- [Instructor] As you continue developing your keyword list, it can be helpful if you start putting some performance metrics to that proposed plan. And you can use Google's Keyword Planner to do just this. So I'll select tools and settings from the menu in the upper right-hand side of the screen, and then I'll choose planning from the drop-down, and then Keyword Planner. From the two options, I'll select get search volume and forecasts. Now in many ways, this is very similar to generating ideas with Keyword Planner, but instead we can use ideas from Keyword Planner, or even ideas we've captured from other sources, and then give those keywords to Google to estimate performance and bid requirements. Now I've gone ahead and created a few, so I'll just paste these keywords in, and then we'll select get started. So right away we can see the keyword ideas that we've provided Google, and we have a similar table view to Keyword…
