From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

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Google Ads campaigns

Google Ads campaigns

- [Narrator] Let's take a look at how we navigate the campaign section within Google Ads. Now I'm here on our overview page and you can get to campaigns through a myriad of options. For starters, you can select a campaign specifically from the campaigns card. You can bring out the Flyout menu on the left hand side and select a campaign from there. Or alternatively, you can select campaigns from the left hand navigation. Now you'll notice right when I select that there is a grayed out home icon next to the word campaigns. Right now, whenever you arrive at Google Ads it's going to take you to the overview starting page by default indicated by the blue home icon. If I wanted every time that I came to Google Ads to automatically land on the campaigns page I could select this home icon and it will set the campaigns as my starting page. I notice that there are menus within this. We are here on the campaigns overview page but…
