From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

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Reports available in Google Ads

Reports available in Google Ads - Adwords Tutorial

From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

Reports available in Google Ads

- [Instructor] Once you've launched a campaign, you'll need to start measuring your performance, and you can analyze your data in Google Ads through nearly endless options. However, you'll primarily be looking at your data through your campaign, ad group, ads, and keyword level. Now you can use all sorts of different views and reports within Google Ads, but let's start on the dashboard, because I'm a big believer that every marketer or business owner should be incredibly aware of their metrics. So there's no better place to start than your dashboard. Your dashboard likely has all of the marketing data that's important to your active objectives. So for starters, you're going to get an at-a-glance view of everything that's going on with your active campaigns. So right away, I can configure the date range in the upper right-hand corner. I might be looking at just today, or might be looking at a seven day look back or a month…
