From the course: Graphic Design History: The Bauhaus Movement

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Bauhaus photography

Bauhaus photography

- In 1923, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy replaced Johannes Itten as the instructor of the foundation course. This change moved the course from philosophy and spiritual expression to an approach based on the integration of design, technology and industry. Photography became the media of expression that related more to the machine of a camera and true representation than a drawing or painting. His approach to see the world in a different and fresh way created work that offered a cinematic vision. His photographs of the Dessau Beauhaus Building for example are not simply flat documentation of a structure. Instead they used unconventional and for the time shocking perspectives. These images defined a new relationship between people and the architecture. Moholy-Nagy's photograms, multiple exposure images made with objects laid directly on to the light-sensitive photo paper inspired the exploration of photography's potential. His concepts of the new seeing was quickly adopted by other photographers at…
