From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography

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Matching color and exposure for video in Premiere Pro

Matching color and exposure for video in Premiere Pro

From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography

Matching color and exposure for video in Premiere Pro

- While the actual key in green screen is important, the color matching is pretty critical, otherwise the effect is not believable. In our previous section, we already did the key, and she's in an outdoor environment here, but the light isn't quite right. Let's start by selecting the clip, and what I want to do is switch to the color workspace. This'll give me my tools. Now I'm going to bring up my scopes, just to make this a bit easier, and take a look at the vector scope. Let's choose that here, and we just want to look at the colors. Now in this particular case, I need to adjust this, because she looks a little bright compared to the background. In this case, I'll target the highlights, and just tone those down a little bit so that it better matches the outdoor lighting, but the shadows are a little muddy, so I'm going to lift those up ever so slightly so that we see a bit more detail in the hair and the shirt.…
