From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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API integrations

API integrations

- An often overlooked, but powerful growth strategy is to open your platform up for use by others. An application programming interface, or API, lets others access the information that your platform provides. It's essentially a way for others to leverage your offering. An API might allow you to recruit a number of partners who invest in supporting your product if you have a technology platform that has value and it's unique enough that you can generate awareness through an API integration. Uber, the peer-to-peer taxi service, opened up its API and saw tremendous success. They received integrations with OpenTable, Google, and even Starbucks. These companies see shared value. OpenTable might believe they can increase conversions if they suggest an Uber when a user makes a reservation. There might even be kickbacks provided by Uber to OpenTable for each successful ride. By opening up your platform for others to build on,…
