From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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Communicating your key metric

Communicating your key metric

- One of the biggest challenges in growth is remaining focused. Growth is exciting and there're often numerous areas you can leverage to achieve progress on your growth goals but you'll actually diminish your team's effectiveness if you're chasing too many goals and too many ideas. To stay focused, you must agree and focus on one single metric. Every idea, every test and every decision you make will be aligned to this metric. And to be the right metric, it must be measurable and meaningful. In the growth marketing community, we often refer to this as the North Star Metric. It's the guiding light. You continue pushing in this direction. For whatever growth initiative you're working on, you'll need to define this metric. Say WhatsApp is working to resolve engagement. So they set their North Star as messages sent. Or perhaps LinkedIn launches a new job listing functionality and sets their North Star to the number of jobs…
