From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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Data-driven growth marketing

Data-driven growth marketing

- To be successful, having a high level overview of your data isn't enough. You have to be willing to study the data at each point in the customer's journey. It's more than just time on site and total monthly visits. It's a quest to understand why they're doing what they're doing, and the data will paint a picture. Now might not be obvious at first, but when you become extremely familiar with your data it becomes a lot clearer. Start every morning by looking over your metrics, familiarizing yourself with the information, exploring areas that are new and foreign, and trying to correlate things that might be seemingly unrelated. Look at everything from your social media metrics to your customer service email volumes. It all counts for something. And once you think you've learned enough, dig deeper. It's an incredibly valuable skill to hone and it separates good growth marketers from great growth marketers. I'll share…
