From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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Digital marketing fatigue

Digital marketing fatigue

- Consumers respond to novelty, and it's the reality of marketing. When the first ad banner was launched on the web, it was new and it generated a staggering 78% click through rate. People clicked on it to see what it was all about. This is obviously not the average click-through rate on ad banners today. We're really lucky if we even see half a percent. Every tactic we use has a period by which it's effective before it begins to lose steam. Growth initiatives fatigue. It seems as if every website you visit now has a pop-up asking you to join the email list. Not even 10 seconds into reading the content, but you're blasted with this offer. At one point, this was a really new technique and it probably worked very well due to novelty, but then everyone starts to copy the idea because they hear that it works so well, and that widespread use of the idea results in its decreased effectiveness. As you go about evaluating new…
