From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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Excel through the product life cycle

Excel through the product life cycle

From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

Excel through the product life cycle

- Everything is constantly changing: the market, your product, and your consumer. Growth is about adapting to this change and constantly reevaluating and readjusting. At the core of everything in growth is maintaining that culture of constant experimentation. Now, companies in different stages require different growth techniques. You use different ideas to pull different levers depending on whether you're a developing company targeting an early adopter or in the late stages of growth looking to attract the late majority. Now, just because a company is in a later stage does not negate its interest in propelling growth. Let's look at our motivations for growth in each stage. So during the development stage, the focus is to figure out what the market wants. It's here that you're researching the competition, understanding the users, and determining what your product must have in order to be successful at launch. You want to…
