From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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Goals of growth marketing

Goals of growth marketing

- Growth marketing is all about delivering accelerated, sustainable, and profitable growth to your business. To succeed at growth marketing, you'll need to adopt a mindset tied to four key goals. So let's start with the first goal. Now within most companies, you'll see a clear divide between product and marketing. Marketing's closest touch point to product is usually the landing page, and this presents a huge problem. When marketing and product are operating in separate silos, growth is stunted, information falls through the cracks, and both sides start blaming each other for slow growth. Now, marketing may claim that the product isn't converting consumers into customers, and product may claim that marketing isn't bringing in enough of the right consumers. And this isn't helpful. So the first goal of growth marketing is to bridge this divide. When you get marketing and product working hand-in-hand, you begin to see…
