From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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How to lead an OKR strategy session

How to lead an OKR strategy session

From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

How to lead an OKR strategy session

- Setting OKRs and creating your North Star metric can be challenging. Not only is it an entirely new process, but if you're part of a larger team, it's going to require getting buy-in, and you may really have to champion for this idea to get the wheels in motion. Now, my favorite approach to setting OKRs is to schedule a meeting with no more than 10 representatives from around the company. The CEO and members of the executive team need to participate. The day before the meeting, create an anonymous Google survey with the question, "What would you like to see the company set as our objective for next quarter?" Send this to everyone in the company. Take this list and distill it down to what you see as the best, most relevant and most popular ideas. These are the ideas that you'll bring to your OKR meeting. Now, when it comes to running the meeting, I'm a fan of the approach Christina Woodkey of uses.…
