From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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Key data metrics to track and report

Key data metrics to track and report

From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

Key data metrics to track and report

- Effective marketing is a science. In order to pinpoint a strategy, report on results, and evaluate opportunities for improvement, you need to be capturing and analyzing data. There is no excuse to rely only on basic metrics, like website traffic and the number of conversions each day. We live in a world that is data-driven. We have the tools and resources to measure anything that we want. Data is core to growth marketing. What metrics you actually measure will depend on the life cycle stage and your goals. For a brand new product just entering the market, before you've even proven out product-market fit, you can get away with focusing on the qualitative metrics. First, validate your business. Survey users and ask how disappointed they would be if they had to stop using your product. If at least 40% say they'd be disappointed, you're probably in a good spot. Now, as you just begin to gather customers, it's still…
