From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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The agile growth marketing process

The agile growth marketing process

From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

The agile growth marketing process

- The growth marketing process provides a specific set of activities you'll undertake to uncover opportunities that'll help you achieve your growth goals. You start by identifying your growth team and this involves bringing in individuals from every domain of your business, such as an Engineer, a Product Manager, a Marketing Manager and a Data Analyst. This team should be able to create the ideas and execute on them without needing to go out to other individuals and depending on the size of your company this could be two people or eight. Now with a team in place, we start by identifying our goals. This requires analyzing where we are and where we want to go. We'll be setting a North Star Metric and creating OKRs which stands for Objectives and Key Results and this is really a helpful system for tracking your goals. Next, we generate ideas that can get us to our goal and those ideas will come through a…
