From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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Using the lean canvas for marketing

Using the lean canvas for marketing

From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

Using the lean canvas for marketing

- We're marketing in a landscape that's shifting super fast. And this means we need to be agile and find ways to introduce marketing strategies without going overkill on the planning. To help quickly align all of the pieces of our plan, I like to organize all of the relevant marketing information using a slightly modified version of a one-page business model template called the "Lean Canvas." And the Lean Canvas was drafted by Ash Maurya as an adaptation from Alexander Osterwalder's business model canvas. And it looks like this. Essentially, it's a worksheet of building blocks, and it forces you to think about key questions and how you deploy solutions. Areas such as the problem you're solving, how you solve it, who your customer is, and what channels you're deployed in all may seem obvious to you already. But as we rapidly evolve the business for growth, we need a way to stay aligned as to the current state of our vision…
