From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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What are growth loops?

What are growth loops?

- A popular concept in growth marketing is the idea of a growth loop, or a viral loop. In addition to finding new ideas to pull a growth lever, there are also opportunities to create growth processes that fuel themselves. In growth marketing, we have a series of intentional efforts to analyze the data, create ideas, and test those ideas and we can be even more efficient if some of those ideas become their own repeating engine, a process that we don't need to continue to invest in. In growth, a loop is the steps a user goes through before inviting new users into the process. Consider YouTube. You encounter a piece of content. At the end of watching that content you'll find a prominent button to share it, or links to more content that you can engage with. You may continue down the process of clicking into recommended videos, consuming more and more content until eventually you resonate with a particular piece of content…
