From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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Who are your customers?

Who are your customers?

- A pivotal component to growth marketing is understanding your customer. It would be a waste of time to pursue the wrong audience and doing so might cause you to make product decisions that puts you even further behind. Your audience will provide you with the lens in which to interpret your data. The reason a 20 something tech savvy user abandons a checkout page can be very different than why a 40 something parent abandons that same checkout. If you're seeing a particular pattern in your data, knowing who your customer is will help you decipher the information. The best audience is one that needs your product, and while they might not be actively looking, you do know that if they find you, they'll be interested. Now when I start any marketing endeavor, I like to outline the type of customer I'm targeting and you can do this by creating descriptive personas. A persona is really just a fictitious person that describes your…
