From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Changing the input language

Changing the input language

- [Instructor] It's a blessing to be able to speak more than one language, not to mention that it's a career boost. You can make Windows aware of your talent by adding the additional language in the settings app. Press the Windows + I keyboard shortcut. Choose time and language, language and region. Click the button, add a language. I'll choose Italian. Click next. The selected items are fine. I don't want to switch Windows to display Italian, as it is a second language. Click install. Wait while the language pack is installed. The Italian language pack is installed and ready to use. To put it to work I need to switch input languages, which I can do from the task bar. Clicking this, the input language is English now. Click and I can choose Italian. You can also use the Windows + Space Bar keyboard shortcut. Press, Windows + Space Bar, I'm back to English, Windows + Space Bar, and I'm back to Italian. Because only two…
