From the course: Hiring an Employee for Managers

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Your legal responsibilities

Your legal responsibilities

- I have a quick story for you. A well-known restaurant chain settled to a tune of $2.85 million for discriminating against older workers in the hiring process, so you can see why it's imperative that managers understand what's legal in the hiring process. It could jeopardize the company's reputation and also their pocketbooks. Applicants have rights even before they become employees. In the United States, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the EEOC, strives to prevent workplace discrimination and protects workers from discrimination in the areas of race, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, political beliefs, marital and family status, disability, gender identity, and age. These are the same rights that apply to employees. As managers, you must ensure people are protected from any sort of discrimination, especially in these areas of hiring and the entire employment relationship, inadvertently or on purpose. Let's go through a list of the most…
